July 26, 2024

What Are Webinars and How to Become a Webinarer [2024]

Wondering what a webinar in? Looking to increase audience engagement? Today I'll talk about the whats and hows of webinars and how you can become a top notch webinarer (yes, that's a word!).

Photo of woman being filmed by camera with overlaid text saying "Webinars: The Whats and Hows"
Photo by Jodie Cook on Unsplash

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Written by
Filipe Pessoa

Marketing & Sociology. Gamer and music producer.

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Communication is often not complete without feedback. And such is the advantage of webinars. The COVID lockdown restricted our communications to a hurting minimum. With TV, the speaker doesn’t hear a bit of your reactions and comments—a feeling of being ignored and lonely. Online calls and conferencing saved the day. 

It’s been years since COVID, and the world has stayed on live-streaming, online classes, and virtual conferences. Marketers are especially aware of the paradigm shift in connecting with customers post-pandemic. It’s clear the online space comes with more advantages compared to traditional meetings. This global need for personalized and impactful online meetings is where you can come in—as a webinarer. 

Here’s an article on all you’d need to know about webinars in 2024, how to create your first webinar, and how to nail your audience’s interest by releasing teasers created with Framedrop.ai

What is a Webinar? 

Webinar comes from the words Web and Seminar. It’s simply bringing your traditional seminar to the web. Now, this could be pre-recorded or a live event. But as is its main selling point—it is a two-way communication initiative. In other words, there is the speaker. They share their knowledge, expertise, and ideas with a group of listeners. These listeners, depending on the conferencing tool used, can tower up to thousands. And right there on the web, the speaker can get feedback in the form of questions, surveys, and other interactive activities. With such a system, you can use a webinar for a million and one purposes. These include training, education, customer service, marketing, or even internal meetings within an organization. Hence, it’s not a surprise that statistics show why webinars keep getting more popular

Usually, the platform or tool used can be accessed and is compatible with various devices, including smartphones and tablets. They could also be accessed from anywhere in the world with internet access. That means your webinars could be what makes the day for a stranger from the other side of the world who’s been searching for the answers you have. So, what is a webinarer?

A Webinarer is a Webinar Presenter

But more! A webinarer runs the entire webinar with a specific goal in mind that they must meet. In other words, this is a person who is skilled in content creation, program management, technical support, and host/guest experience. They’d have to be excellent in all these to ensure the webinar runs smoothly and achieves its goals. Of course, these goals could be a personal goal. You, as an individual, come up to sell a product and set up a webinar to onboard your prospects and convert them to sellers. On the other hand, you could also be part of the communication team in an organization, working with different teams to ensure the organization achieves its goal. The career options are somewhat unlimited, and if you love being a host, then this is a path to consider. 

The tasks often completed by the webinarer span from before the webinar until after the program. Before the program, the webinarer would need to work with the marketing team to ensure they are clear on the goals for the webinar. Other things that usually come up at this point are planning how to promote the webinar so the target audience comes around in their numbers, creating the actual content with the creative team, the technical setup, and a dry run of the webinar. During the webinar, they are the perfect host or moderator, as the case may be when they usher in other speakers to take different sessions. They also ensure decorum while keeping the live chats lively until the webinar ends. But it never stops there. After the webinar, the webinarer is also the one who follows up with the attendees, checks with those who didn’t attend, hands over the leads, if any, to the sales team, and creates content from the webinar recordings using tools like Framedrop.ai for exciting event highlights.

With that, it’s clear that the webinarer is the online event planner and marketer, among other things. That shows how vital they are to the success of every webinar. And also why they are in high demand today. 

Are Webinars the Same as Webcasts? 

Webcasts come from Web and Broadcasts. Hence, they are pre-recorded broadcasts on YouTube and other TV platforms. However, it’s a one-way form of communication. There’s no interaction between the caster and the audience. And that’s how it differs from the webinars. The webinar isn’t always pre-recorded. The speaker is often always present to interact with the audience. Hence, a two-way mode of communication.

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5 Benefits of a Webinar

1. Remote Collaboration 

The COVID-19 year revealed to us the limitations of a physical seminar. Since then, it’s become more evident how stressful it can be hosting workshops where people have to travel down and only a few end up showing up. With the Webinar, anyone from anywhere in the world can contribute to your seminar. 

2. No Restriction to Space

One of the very few things you see in a seminar invite is how limited the seats are in the auditorium. Well, all that is done away with in a webinar. You can reach as many participants as you desire without any restrictions, such as a physical space with all its elements. 

3. Versatility and Flexibility 

Given that it’s an online setup, there’s no time restriction. You can call for a seminar at any time. But not just this. It’s a tool you can use for various needs. Think of every event that involves educating or engaging an audience; any can be hosted as a webinar. 

4. Effective Communication 

One clog to effective communication is sometimes the lack of confidence speakers deal with at physical events. But with the cover an online event gives you, where you get to speak from your comfortable position, oftentimes, this makes the speaker more fluent and better at expressing their ideas. 

5. Personal Branding

Webinars are not only there for organizations to use. For sole entrepreneurs, it comes in handy. It could be a platform to meet your customers and give answers to their frequently asked questions. It offers a more personalized experience, and you get to connect with your customers in real-time.

The Best Webinar Software for Webinarers in 2024

Knowing that hosting a webinar goes beyond the call itself, it’s essential to have software that can automate all the other logistics involved. With the right software, you can rest assured and dish out the content of your webinar without distractions. Some of these software include:

  • Zoom
  • Livestorm
  • Demio
  • Crowdcast
  • eWebinar
  • Sessions
  • Vimeo

With Zoom webinar’s familiar user experience, it’s one of the best out there. With the ease of use of these products, becoming a webinarer is quite easy. 

How to Become a Webinarer?

As a webinarer, you could be part of an organization, or it could be just you. It’s a great way to share what you know with people and grow your online presence. And if you’ve read up to this point, then your reward is these easy steps to follow in setting out as a webinarer, especially for your personal brand.

1. Pick a Niche 

As you’d often learn when starting a brand, pick a niche. Let everyone know what you will be communicating via your webinars. Usually, when you do this for an organization, they already have a niche. 

2. Plan Your Content

The easiest way to be consistent and successful at webinars is to plan your content calendar. This way, you know where you’re headed and all you’d need on this webinar hosting journey. If it’s something too difficult to do, it’s also an excellent time to get help from professionals.

3. Pick a Platform

Usually, you don’t want your audience jumping through several platforms. So, pick one from the list we’ve provided, and you will be good to go.

4. Promote Your Webinars

The next step is to tell people you’ve planned to have a webinar, and they should come around. This can be done through several media over the web, including blogs, social media, and paid advertisements. 

Of course, you could try several attention-grabbing strategies to get your target audience to look over your side. If this is a little stressful to do, AI tools like framedrop.ai come in handy to help create exciting content from your raw content. 

5. Practice Makes Perfect 

Rehearse presenting your content. Ensure you’ve closed all ends. Be sure you have all you need to deliver the perfect content. 

6. Follow Up

Of course, this comes up after you’ve hosted the webinar. Check all the analytics stored up in your software, analyze them, and make better recommendations for coming webinars. Follow up with your attendees and make them want to keep coming to subsequent ones. While you do this, keep learning and implementing more industry secrets to increase attendance at your webinars

Ultimately, it’s all about the perfect guest experience and getting them to take the action you’ve set out for them to do—which is you achieving your goals. So, by following these steps, you can become a successful or a more successful webinarer—starting now. 

The Perfect Promotion Tool for Your Webinars Doesn’t Exist

Or so you thought. The only ingredient a promotion needs is the answer to a simple question: why should anyone attend your webinars? 

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through trailers, as you see with movies or demos. Give a taste of what’s to come. But when you get lost among the myriads of information you can give as a taste to your webinar, getting a tool that creates the perfect highlights is the solution. 

Framedrop.ai offers you the chance to have your best foot forward, to draw your audience in, and to keep them coming back for more.

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What is the meaning of webinars?

A webinar, short for "web seminar," is an online event or presentation that is hosted and attended entirely over the internet. Webinars allow speakers to share information, present slides, conduct live demonstrations, and engage with a remote audience in real-time. Participants can view and listen to the presentation, ask questions, and sometimes even participate in polls and discussions.

What is the purpose of webinars?

The purpose of webinars is to facilitate virtual learning and communication. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Education and Training: Providing training sessions, workshops, and educational seminars.
  • Marketing and Lead Generation: Presenting products or services to potential customers and generating leads.
  • Internal Communications: Hosting company meetings, updates, and training sessions for employees.
  • Customer Support: Offering tutorials and Q&A sessions to assist customers.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Connecting professionals and encouraging discussion and collaboration within a specific field or industry.
Is a webinar like Zoom?

A webinar is a type of online event, and Zoom is a platform that can host webinars, but they are not the same thing. Zoom is a video conferencing tool that provides various features including meetings, webinars, and virtual events.

  • Webinar (Format): Refers to the format of the online event itself, regardless of the platform used. It typically involves a presenter or a panel of speakers presenting to an audience with limited interaction from attendees.
  • Zoom (Platform): A software application that offers the capability to host webinars as well as standard video meetings. Zoom webinars are designed to handle large audiences and include features tailored for this format, such as Q&A, chat moderation, and registration options.

Other platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Webex, and GoToWebinar also offer webinar hosting capabilities.

How to earn from webinars?

As an expert in any field, you can set up webinars from time to time to share your expertise and experience with your audience. The attendees could be asked to pay a certain amount during registration. Moreover, the live webinar could be recorded, and people who missed it could also pay to receive access to the wealth of information shared at the webinar. 

How do you introduce yourself in a webinar?

Usually, webinars are about how well you can connect with your audience. To do this, your introduction is vital as a webinarer. It becomes easier when you do the following:

  • Greet your audience
  • Thank them for coming around and for their time
  • Introduce yourself in a way no one would forget any time soon
  • If there are other speakers, introduce them in the same way
  • Now is the time to remind your audience of the seminar's purpose and the structure it will take from start to finish.
  • Let your audience know how they can interact with you during the webinar.
  • In all, ensure it doesn’t feel scripted. Have fun, and keep it short.
  • Always end your introduction with a call to action to keep your audience engaged and ready to go into the meat of the meeting.
How much does it cost to start a webinar?

There’s no ultimate price to start a webinar. Different webinar software and tools vary in price depending on the add-ons, marketing tools, integrations, etc. Hence, depending on your chosen tool, it could be free or very, very expensive.

Published at
July 26, 2024
Filipe Pessoa

Having a bachelor's degree in Sociology and currently getting his Masters' in Marketing, Filipe has always followed a customer-centric ethos. In 2021, Filipe was part of one of the 3 European Innovation Academy winning projects - CultureKit - as its CMO. Since joining Framedrop in August 2022, Filipe has worked on a wide array of tasks such as Copywriting, Lead Generation, Influencer Marketing and even dipped his toes in SEO.

When not working, Filipe channels his creativity into music production in his home studio.

Favorite sport: Football ⚽️

Favorite hobby: Gaming 🎮

Favorite musical artist: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 🎸

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