June 17, 2024

How to Make Money on YouTube: All Possible Ways in 2024

Are you curious about how much does YouTube pays its creators? Dive into the numbers and discover how the top YouTubers make money on YouTube. Learn what it actually takes to make it big on the world’s largest video platform.

Photo of laptop in the dark with YouTube open on screen and overlaid text saying "How to Make Money on YouTube?"
Photo by Leon Bublitz on Unsplash

Create YouTube Shorts instantly with Framedrop

Framedrop automatically finds highlights in your content which you can then edit and export as YouTube Shorts - all in seconds

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Written by
Filipe Pessoa

Marketing & Sociology. Gamer and music producer.

Table of contents

Create YouTube Shorts instantly with Framedrop

Framedrop automatically finds highlights in your content which you can then edit and export as YouTube Shorts - all in seconds

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In today’s bustling digital world, the charm of becoming a YouTube sensation is stronger than ever. But the most crucial question for many aspiring creators is: how to make money on YouTube? Understanding the nuances of YouTube's payment system is essential for anyone aspiring to become the next big thing on the platform. With over 2 billion active users per month, YouTube offers the potential for monetization with youtuber Mr. Beast expected to reach $700 million in revenue in 2024. Recent insights reveal the cornerstone of monetization: subscribers. Just as YouTuber Mr.Beast is said to reach $700 million this yearThey are not just numbers but represent the loyal audience base that engages with your channel, liking your content, increasing video shares and watch time. Higher the subscriber count, higher is the chance of lucrative sponsorship and partnership deals with reputed brands, thus further boosting your income. 

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer the aforementioned question.The amount varies widely and is significantly influenced by factors such as video engagement, audience demographics, and the types of ads that are displayed. On an average, YouTubers earn a modest amount per ad view. But top creators with millions of views and subscribers can earn even more by leveraging sponsorships and premium content subscriptions to boost their revenue.  

For creators, especially those just starting their journey with YouTube need to stay consistent and produce high-quality engaging content. This is where Framedrop comes in. By transforming the best moments of your content into viral and highly-engaging short-format videos with the assistance of AI, Framedrop can amplify your reach on YouTube. Increased engagement and visibility leads to higher subscriber growth and watch time, both crucial metrics to boost your YouTube revenue. Alright, here we go:

How to Make Money on YouTube: In a Nutshell

YouTube offers many ways to earn money on the platform. These are:

  • Ad Revenue: Earn money through ads displayed before, during, or after your videos. The more views and clicks, the higher your earnings.
  • Channel Memberships: Offer exclusive perks, such as badges, emojis, and members-only content, to subscribers who pay a monthly fee.
  • Super Chats and Super Stickers: Allow fans to purchase highlighted messages or animated stickers during live chats, making their comments stand out.
  • Super Thanks: Viewers pay to have their comment stand out in the comment section.
  • Shopping: Integrate a merchandise shelf below your videos to sell branded products like T-shirts, mugs, and phone cases directly to your audience.
  • YouTube Premium Revenue: Receive a share of subscription fees from YouTube Premium members who watch your content, in addition to ad revenue.

Requirements for Each Revenue Stream

  • 500 subscribers + 3 public uploads/last 90 days + 3,000 public watch hours/long videos/last 365 days OR 3 million public Shorts views/last 90 days:
    • Channel Memberships
    • Shopping (own products)
    • Super Chat & Super Stickers
    • Super Thanks
  • 1000 subscribers + 3 public uploads/last 90 days + 4,000 public watch hours/long videos/last 365 days OR 10 million public Shorts views/last 90 days:
    • Ad Revenue
    • YouTube Premium Revenue
  • 20,000 subscribers + 3 public uploads/last 90 days + 4,000 public watch hours/long videos/last 365 days OR 10 million public Shorts views/last 90 days:
    • Shopping (other brands)

How to Join the YouTube Partner Program

How to Maximize Your YouTube Income

Here are six effective tips that can help increase revenue and make your YouTube career propel forward.

  • SEO Optimization: Use relevant keywords in titles, descriptions as well as tags to increase visibility and attract more viewers and subscribers.
  • Audience Engagement: Build a loyal and active community of subscribers by replying to comments, hosting live streams as well as creating community posts.
  • Collaboration: Partner with other YouTubers to tap into their audience pool and increase your channel’s visibility and engagement.
  • Invest in Modern Equipment: Utilizing modern gadgets can help create high-quality video and audio content to enhance viewer experience and encourage views and subscribers.
  • Be Consistent: Regularly upload engaging and informative videos to keep your audience returning for more.
  • Promotion on Social Media: Use platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels and Twitter to drive traffic and promote your YouTube channel seamlessly. Additionally, YouTube's own Shorts can be a great way of attracting a new audience to your "main" content - Framedrop.ai is the perfect tool for this as it repurposes your long format content into several viral shorts.
  • Understand YouTube Policy: it is important to understand the terms and conditions of YouTube before you start your channel for a streamlined process without any issues later on.

Ways to Make Money on YouTube

Making money on YouTube involves more than just uploading videos and hoping for the best. There are several monetization strategies available to creators. In this guide, we'll dive into each of these methods and how you can leverage them to maximize your earnings.

Ad Revenue

We'll go more in-depth regarding Ad revenue below but you should know that this is the most common way to earn money on YouTube. By enabling ads on your videos, you can earn money every time viewers see or interact with these ads.

  • How It Works: YouTube places ads before, during, or after your videos. These can be display ads, overlay ads, skippable and non-skippable video ads, bumper ads, and sponsored cards.
  • Maximizing Earnings: To increase your ad revenue, focus on creating engaging content that attracts a large number of views. The more viewers you have, the more ad impressions and clicks you get, which translates to higher earnings. Additionally, optimizing your video for SEO can help it rank better and attract more viewers.
  • AdSense Account: You need to set up a Google AdSense account and link it to your YouTube channel to receive payments.

Channel Memberships

Channel memberships allow creators to offer exclusive perks to subscribers who pay a monthly fee.

  • Exclusive Perks: These can include custom badges, emojis, members-only videos, live chats, and other special content.
  • Creating Value: To attract members, offer unique content or experiences that aren’t available to regular subscribers. This could be behind-the-scenes footage, early access to videos, or direct interaction during live streams.
  • Marketing Your Memberships: Promote your memberships regularly in your videos and use YouTube's community tab to keep members engaged and feeling valued.

Super Chats and Super Stickers

Super Chats and Super Stickers enable fans to purchase highlighted messages or animated stickers during your live streams.

  • Engagement During Live Streams: Super Chats appear as colorful messages that stand out in the chat, making it easier for the creator to see and respond to them. Super Stickers are animated images that also capture attention.
  • Encouraging Participation: Engage with your audience by acknowledging and responding to Super Chats and Super Stickers during your live streams. This interaction encourages more viewers to participate.
  • Live Stream Strategy: Regularly schedule live streams and create engaging content that prompts viewers to interact and support you through Super Chats and Super Stickers.

Super Thanks

Super Thanks is a feature that allows viewers to pay to have their comments highlighted in the comment section of your videos.

  • Increased Visibility: When a viewer buys a Super Thanks, their comment stands out with a colorful highlight, making it more noticeable.
  • Viewer Engagement: Encourage viewers to use Super Thanks by acknowledging these comments and giving shout-outs in your videos.
  • Building Community: Use Super Thanks as a way to connect more personally with your audience, showing appreciation for their support.


You can integrate a merchandise shelf below your videos to sell branded products directly to your audience.

  • Merchandise Integration: Use YouTube’s Merchandise Shelf feature to showcase your products like T-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and other branded items directly below your videos.
  • Branding and Design: Create appealing and high-quality merchandise that resonates with your audience. Unique designs or catchphrases related to your channel can drive sales.
  • Promotion: Regularly promote your merchandise in your videos, descriptions, and community posts to increase visibility and sales.

YouTube Premium Revenue

YouTube Premium subscribers pay a monthly fee for an ad-free experience and other benefits. As a creator, you earn a share of these subscription fees based on how much Premium members watch your content.

  • Ad-Free Views: Even without ads, you earn revenue when YouTube Premium members watch your videos.
  • Encouraging Longer Views: Create engaging content that keeps viewers watching for longer periods, as this can increase your share of Premium revenue.
  • High-Quality Content: Focus on producing high-quality videos that attract and retain Premium members, who are often more discerning about their viewing choices.

Create YouTube Shorts instantly with Framedrop

Framedrop automatically finds highlights in your content which you can then edit and export as YouTube Shorts - all in seconds

Get your YouTube Shorts now!

Ad Revenue In-depth: Key Determing Factors In How much youtube pays

To unlock the full potential of your YouTube channel requires you to understand the factors that significantly influence how much does YouTube pay. 

Channel Niche

Different and versatile niches have a wide extent of CPM (Cost Per Mille) rates. Channels that focus on technology, finance and health often see higher CPMs as compared to vlogging or entertainment channels. For example, finance channels can earn a CPM range from $12 to $20, while entertainment channels might earn between $2 to $5 per 1,000 views.

Geographical Location 

The country where your audience is located plays a crucial role in determining how much does YouTube pay. Viewers from USA, Australia and Canada usually bring in higher CPMs. For instance, United States based viewers might generate CPMs of $6 to $8, whereas viewers from countries with lower purchasing power might generate CPMs of $0.50 to $2.

Ad Types

The specific type of ads that are displayed on your videos can greatly impact your earnings. Especially non-skippable ads, that are typically 15-20 seconds long, pay more than skippable ads. While on average, non-skippable ads can generate CPMs of $10 to $20, whereas skippable ads might earn CPMs of $3 to $10.

Audience Engagement

Higher engagement rates such as likes, comments, shares, and overall interaction with the content can lead to better-paying ads being placed on your videos. Channels with higher engagement tend to have higher RPMs (Revenue Per Mille), which is the actual revenue earned per 1,000 views. Engaged audiences can increase your RPM from $1 to $5 to potentially $5 to $15.

Watch Time

Longer watch times increase your earnings as YouTube promotes videos that keep viewers engaged for longer periods. Videos with higher watch times are more likely to be recommended due to YouTube's algorithm, leading to more views and, consequently, more ad revenue.

Video Quality and Length

High-quality, longer videos (over 10 minutes) can include multiple ads thus increasing total revenue. Videos that are at least 10 minutes long can insert additional mid-roll ads, potentially doubling or tripling the ad revenue as compared to shorter videos.

Channel Monetization Status

Channels with more active subscribers and consistent content can attract higher-paying ads. This directly affects how much does YouTube pay per subscriber. For instance, a channel with 100,000 subscribers that posts high-quality content on a weekly basis can potentially earn $1,000 to $2,000 per month from ads alone, based on the niche and engagement.

Video Topic

Topics with higher advertiser interest tend to generate more revenue. For example, finance or tech-related videos often pay more as compared to higher competition among advertisers. Such topics can command CPMs of $10 to $30, significantly impacting YouTube income per 1,000 views. Avoid copying content from someone else to save your YouTube channel from copyright strikes.

YouTube Shorts

The payment structure for shorts is different from regular videos. Understanding how much does YouTube pay per view on shorts can help you strategize content accordingly. Currently, YouTube pays creators from a $100 million fund, with payouts ranging from $100 to $10,000 based on the performance of their shorts. This means if a short gets millions of views, it can still earn a significant amount even with lower CPMs.

Subscriber Count

While not directly correlated with income, a higher number of subscribers can boost your channel's credibility and lead to more views and engagement. This impacts how much does YouTube pay for 1,000 subscribers. Generally, channels with larger subscriber bases have better opportunities for sponsorships and partnerships, adding to their overall revenue.

For a more in-depth look at the factors that affect your monetization and CPM on YouTube checkout this video from the awesome people at vidIQ that goes into specifics of how much YouTube pays for 1000 views in 2024:

Monetization: ON

Curious about how much YouTube pays? The answer varies, with earnings influenced by audience size, engagement, and even niche. But to truly stand out and maximize your potential, quality content and consistent engagement are key. YouTube's ad revenue can be fickle and does not offer complete securiity and that's why one should look to more ways of monetizing YouTube. Embrace all revenue streams you have at your disposal turn your YouTube journey into a sustainable (and hopefully profitable) one. Ready to elevate your game? Framedrop can help you shine. By transforming the best moments of your content into viral, highly-engaging short-format videos with AI assistance, Framedrop can amplify your reach on YouTube and consequentially increase your YouTube income.

Create YouTube Shorts instantly with Framedrop

Framedrop automatically finds highlights in your content which you can then edit and export as YouTube Shorts - all in seconds

Get your YouTube Shorts now!


How many views on YouTube do I need to make money?

To start making money on YouTube, you need to join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). The eligibility requirements for YPP include having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours on your channel in the past 12 months. Once you're part of the program, you can monetize your videos through ads, memberships, Super Chat, and YouTube Premium revenue. There's no specific number of views required to start making money, but more views typically lead to higher earnings due to ad revenue.

How can a beginner make money on YouTube?

Beginners can make money on YouTube by following these steps:

  1. Create Quality Content: Focus on creating engaging, high-quality videos that attract viewers.
  2. Build an Audience: Promote your channel to gain subscribers and increase your watch time.
  3. Join the YouTube Partner Program: Once you meet the requirements (1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours), apply to the program.
  4. Monetize Your Videos: Enable ads on your videos, and consider other monetization options like channel memberships, Super Chats, and merchandise.
  5. Explore Sponsorships: As your channel grows, brands might approach you for sponsored content.
  6. Utilize Affiliate Marketing: Promote products in your videos and earn commissions on sales through affiliate links.
How much money is 1 million views on YouTube?

The amount of money earned from 1 million views on YouTube can vary widely based on several factors such as the viewer's location, the type of ads shown, and the niche of the content. On average, YouTubers can earn between $2,000 to $5,000 for 1 million views from ad revenue alone. However, this number can be higher or lower depending on the specifics of the channel and its audience.

How much does YouTube pay per 1000 views?

YouTube's payment per 1,000 views (also known as CPM - Cost Per Mille) varies significantly. On average, YouTube pays between $1 to $3 per 1,000 views from ad revenue. However, this rate can be higher or lower based on factors such as the content's niche, the audience's geographic location, and the ad engagement rate. Some niches, like finance or technology, tend to have higher CPM rates compared to others.

Published at
June 17, 2024
Filipe Pessoa

Having a bachelor's degree in Sociology and currently getting his Masters' in Marketing, Filipe has always followed a customer-centric ethos. In 2021, Filipe was part of one of the 3 European Innovation Academy winning projects - CultureKit - as its CMO. Since joining Framedrop in August 2022, Filipe has worked on a wide array of tasks such as Copywriting, Lead Generation, Influencer Marketing and even dipped his toes in SEO.

When not working, Filipe channels his creativity into music production in his home studio.

Favorite sport: Football ⚽️

Favorite hobby: Gaming 🎮

Favorite musical artist: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 🎸

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